RAI Energy. Dedicated to decarbonizing communities around the United States, with a focus on the American West.
At RAI Energy, we understand that clean energy projects offer extraordinary possibilities in a challenging and fast evolving market. Selecting an experienced team that understands and can manage the complexities of renewables is incredibly important. From siting land to financing, construction and energization, a highly-skilled developer partner is crucial. Our unique approach, honed from a long history of successful renewables deployment, ensures that landowners, corporate off-takers and utility partners work synergistically to accelerate the proliferation of clean energy on the grid.
Our development focus in the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) region allows us to positively impact the climate crisis in the US and develop renewable energy projects that directly impact our our local communities.

Advanced Development Portfolio
RAI Energy’s market focus in the U.S. is the Western US, with current projects in California, Arizona, Colorado, and New Mexico.

Vikings Energy Farm
Vikings Energy Farm is a solar-plus-storage plant under construction near Holtville, Imperial County, California.

Seville Solar Project
Two sizable solar projects in Imperial County: Seville I – a 20MW solar array in partnership with San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) and Seville II – a 30MW solar with the Imperial Irrigation District (IID).

Jordan Solar One
The 20 MW Jordan Solar One project in Mafraq, Jordan came online in 2016. A key part of one of the largest private-sector led initiatives transforming the energy sector in the Middle East.
Contact Us
A nimble and innovative renewable energy company with a proven track record of success, RAI Energy is integrity driven and focused on excellence. At the heart of our accomplishments is a mighty team of dedicated, collaborative professionals.
RAI Energy. From concept to execution – we are your renewable energy partner.

Contact Us
We are one of the leading renewable energy companies in California, with a proven track record of success. At the heart of our accomplishments is a mighty team of dedicated, collaborative professionals.
RAI Energy. From concept to execution – we are your renewable energy partner.